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Data Processor

Automate Processes Advanced

Data Processor allows you to automate routine processes so that you do not have to perform them manually each time. This app can be used to automate contact imports, or it can be used to initiate events for contacts (you can then trigger other outbounds based on these events).

Contact Processor

The Contact Processor can be used to import contacts to studio from a CSV file that is located in an FTP folder. You can choose use the following Import modes: Add, Update, Add/Update, Activate, Inactivate, and Delete.

Event Processor

The Event Processor is used to run events for any contacts that have an OutboundSchedule_ID. And based on these events, other outbounds like Email, SMS and Cloud Connect can be triggered. A very simple example of this would be using USPS delivery scans as events that can trigger an email notification.

Download Instructions for the Data Processor Here