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User Roles and Permissions

MindFire Studio uses Roles and Permissions to control user access. From the account level all the way down to individual elements, you can specify what a user (or a group of users) can see or edit.

User Roles specify what tasks a user can do within the entire sub-account. You can create Role Groups that contain multiple permissions and then assign those groups to multiple users.

You can grant access to all tasks in Studio except the ability to create/manage sub-accounts, which is only available to the Power User (account admin).

User Permissions grant access to specific parts of each Program (or the entire Program).


1. Click on the User Management tab in Studio

2. Click on the Roles button (top-left)

3. Click on the Add button

4. Assign a name and description to this Role Group and click Ok

5. Click on "Modify Permissions" for this Role Group

6. Select the permission(s) that you want to assign to this group and click Ok

7. You can now assign this Role Group to any user(s). Just click on the Users button then click on "Edit Roles" and select the desired Role Group for this user.

1. Open the Program that you want to share with a user

2. Click on the down arrow under the "Collaborate" button, mouseover on "Share with other users" and select Program, Selected Campaign or Selected Element

3. A new window will appear that allows you to select the user to which will be given permission

4. Select a user from the drop-down and check/un-check the boxes below to give them the permission/access they need

5. Click on "Save"